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原创 维克多英语 维克多英语 2023-08-06 17:01 发表于北京有多少同学昨天晚上被地震震醒了? 在北京睡得四仰八叉的小维没察觉到地震,但是被手机的地震预警吵醒了。



在全球大陆地区的大地震中,约有四分之一至三分之一发生在我国为应对地震灾害,学校会定期进行地震应急演练,如何上好地震安全课?我们来看看美国高中生是怎么了解地震、学会避险的英汉全文:Earthquakes are happening every day all around us. Some you feel, some you dont, but in the end, what do you really know about earthquakes?。

地震每天都在我们身边发生有些你能感觉到,有些你没有,但是最后,你对地震真正了解多少? I mean they shake and stuff.我觉得地震会摇晃之类的 I think theyre like a collision in the earth.。

我认为地震就像地球上的相撞I think it has to do with the plates.我想地震和地质板块有关I think youre supposed to like go under a table.。

我觉得应该躲在桌子下面Try to find something to hold on so I dont fall down.试着找个东西抓住,这样我就不会摔倒了 I mean I really dont know that much about earthquakes.。

我是说,我真的不太了解地震 So you study earthquakes, right?你研究地震,对吧?Yes, Im ageographist. And we study earthquakes and how theyre formed, and where they occur.。

是的,我是一名地理学家我们研究地震以及它们是如何形成的,以及它们发生在哪里 So what exactly is an earthquake?那么到底什么是地震呢?An earthquake occurs along faults.The earth consists of plates, riding on top of molten rocks, and where these plates rub up against each other, they can form faults.。

地震发生在断层上地球由板块组成,在熔化的岩石上移动,这些板块相互摩擦,就会形成断层 Where are these plates?这些板块在哪里?The earth consists of tectonic plates that are riding on top of this molten magma, and so the plates are constantly moving. So you can imagine that this sets up all kinds of different interactions when these rocks want to collide together or they want to move apart from one another.。

地球由位于熔岩之上的构造板块组成,所以板块在不断移动所以你可以想象,当这些岩石即将碰撞在一起或者将要彼此分开时,会产生各种不同的相互作用 But the crust is very broken up in a lot of places,not just had tectonic plates, and so these faults occur where you have two rocks on opposing sides of a break that want to move.。

但是很多地方的地壳是非常破碎的,不仅仅有构造板块,这些断层发生在一个断裂的两侧,有两块岩石想要移动 Because theyre being pushed or pulled in opposing directions. Now over geologic time, forces continuing to act on that will eventually overcome friction and then youll have a slip. When that slip occurs, the energy is released into the surrounding rock, those are the seismic waves that we typically feel in what we call earthquakes.。

因为它们被推或拉向相反的方向随着地质时间的推移,继续作用在上面的力最终会克服摩擦力,然后会产生滑动当滑动发生时,能量被释放到周围的岩石中,这些是我们通常在地震中感受到的地震波 So you can imagine that if a fault is rupturing over here, its transferring those seismic waves across, and as the seismic waves transfer across, theyre gonna shake anything thats attached to the ground. If your feet are planted on the ground, its gonna shake you. Obviously if a house is planted on the ground, its gonna shake that house.。

所以你可以想象,如果这里的断层破裂,会将地震波传递过来,当地震波传递过来时,会震动所有附着在地面上的东西如果你的脚踩在地上,地震波会使你晃动很明显,房子在地上,地震波会晃动房子 Are there more powerful earthquakes than other ones?。

有比其他地震更强烈的地震吗?Yeah, so we typically will measure an earthquake by the amount of energy that it makes, and we measure that using a seismometer, like this, which actually measures the ground motion.

是的,所以我们通常会通过地震产生的能量来测量地震,我们用像这样的地震仪来测量,它实际上测量了地面运动 What we have here is a scaled down version of one of these seismometers, this is an accelerometer. This station is set up and its measuring with time the ground vibration at its place. So go ahead and tap it once. You can see those those taps are being registered, and they have different amplitudes based on the amount of energy that you put into the table.。

我们这里有一个缩小版的地震仪,这是一个加速器这个站点建立起来,随着时间测量它所在位置的地面振动敲一下你们可以看到这些敲击正在被记录下来,基于你敲打桌子的能量出现不同的振幅 This is a scale down version of what we do when we monitor for earthquake activity. If you remember when a fault slip suddenly that energy gets transferred into the ground, and then it ripples outward from where that fault slip occurred, much like ripples in a pond. And then we measure that ground motion as it ripples out and passes underneath the station.。

这是我们在监测地震活动时所做的缩小版如果你还记得当断层突然滑动时,能量被转移到地面,然后从断层滑动发生的地方向外传递,就像池塘里的涟漪一样当它传递出来并穿过站点下方时,我们测量到地面运动 You can see youre progressively making larger and larger earthquakes. So you can imagine if we had several of these set up around this area, we could use that information from all of those stations or all those seismometers to then learn something about where that earthquake was, and how big it was.。

你们可以看到,你们正在制造出越来越大的震动你们可以想象,如果我们在这个地区建立几个这样的系统,我们可以利用所有这些站点或所有地震仪的信息来了解地震在哪里,以及有多大Are all earthquakes like natural or can some of them be man made?。

所有的地震都是自然的,还是有些是人为的?When we talk about earthquakes that are generated by humans, those conditions still exist in the subsurface that youve just done something to speed up the clock.

当我们谈论人类产生的地震时,这些情况仍然发生于地下,你只是做了一些事情加快进程 Then is fracking a cause of earthquakes too?那么水力压裂也是地震的原因吗?Thats a great question.Yes, yes. Fracking is a way in which you can make small earthquakes. But the largest earthquakes that have led to damage in Oklahoma are from what we now understand to be the wastewater disposal. So that process works a little bit like this. Help me out here. Once they pull the fluids out of where that well that they fract, they actually are sometimes pulling out 90 percent water, 10 percent oil or gas. What do you do with that? You separate that at the surface and then you pump it deep underground to these deep wastewater disposal wells, and that water can actually act to both lubricate that fault. So remember we talked about friction holding this together. Well if you put water in between that zone right here that faults gonna want to slip.


你怎么处理?在地表将液体分离,然后把废水泵入地下深处的深层废水处理井,水实际上可以同时润滑断层还记得我们讨论过摩擦把断层固定在一起如果你把水放在这个区域之间,这个断层就会滑动 We can cause earthquakes by doing that?

我们这样做能引起地震吗?Yes, in the last decade we humans have caused earthquakes that have actually led to damage throughout Oklahoma.

是的,在过去的十年里,我们人类导致了地震,实际上导致了整个俄克拉荷马州的毁坏 What should you do when an earthquake happens?地震发生时你该怎么办?Okay, for those of you who have started texting or who are sitting there not paying attention, this is actually where you wanna listen, hes gonna explain what to do to avoid getting hurt if an earthquake happens. So, yeah, you probably wanna catch this.。

对于那些已经开始发短信或者坐在那里走神的人来说,这实际上是你应该听的地方,他会解释如果地震发生,该怎么做才能避免受伤所以,是的,你可能想听听这个 What should you do when an earthquake happens?。

地震发生时你该怎么办? When an earthquake happens, and you start to feel shaking, you can take three steps: drop, cover, hold on.

当地震发生时,你开始感到震动,你可以采取三步:蹲下、掩护、抓牢 And what that means is you drop down to the ground, cover your head and neck area with your hands, if youre able to get underneath a piece of furniture, because as the shaking continues, things could fall from the ceiling, and you want to be underneath a piece of furniture, in that case that happens. And then you want to hold on, because of the shaking continues that piece of furniture could move with the shaking, and you want to make sure youre in a safe place. Now when the shaking ends at that point you can look around and assess, and look for the best option to get out of that structure. Because in a lot of cases there could be broken glass or other types of things on the ground that could cause injury.。


当震动结束时,你可以环顾四周并评估,寻找离开那个建筑的最佳选择在很多情况下,地面上可能有碎玻璃或其他的东西会造成伤害 Arent you supposed to get into a doorway when theres an earthquake?

地震时应该冲向门口吗?Uh, no, actually not. A lot of people think so, but the safest response is the “drop,cover, and hold on” method.

呃,不,实际上不是很多人都这么认为,但最安全的回答是“蹲下,掩护并抓牢”方法Should you just run outside?应该往外跑吗?You cant just run away from an earthquake, they happen way too quickly. Its best to stay put and take cover. Running from inside to outside can actually be more dangerous.。

不能就这样从地震中逃跑,地震发生得太快了最好待在原地躲避从室内跑到室外实际上更危险 Is fracking really causing earthquakes?水力压裂真的会引发地震吗? Sometimes yes. But its actually the wastewater disposal injecting that water back into the earth that causes the pressure that can result in an earthquake.。

有时是的但实际上是废水处理将水注入地球,产生了可能导致地震的压力 Are most earthquake injuries from collapsing buildings?地震中受伤的大多数是由于建筑物倒塌吗?。

No, actually, the most common injury is from broken glass after an earthquake.If youre in your home, grab your shoes right after to avoid walking on shattered glass.

不,实际上,最常见的伤害是地震后碎玻璃造成的如果你在家里,马上穿上鞋子,以免踩在碎玻璃上Earthquakes are a natural fascinating part of our world. Its normal for them to occur, but when earthquakes do happen, its important to know what to do. Being prepared to "drop, cover, and hold on" is important. And practicing these often will help keep us all safe in the event once occurs. Practice these steps often have a plan ready for after an earthquake happens and stay safe.。



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